January 2023
Denominational Focus: The Administrative Committee (AC) is a group of leaders who connect our churches, presbyteries, and agencies, helping to advance the ministry and mission of the whole church. They also help organize and fulfill General Assembly responsibilities each year. This year marks our 50th General Assembly—a reminder of God’s faithfulness to the PCA over the years.
May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Jesus Christ, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Romans 15:5-6
January 1-7
Praise God for the faithful leadership He has provided for the Administrative Committee (AC) and the various PCA committees over the years.
January 8-14
Praise God for the AC’s ministry of facilitating communication and building connection across the denomination.
January 15-21
Pray for the Lord to bless and guide the many PCA committees and gatherings that the AC hosts and for perseverance and strength for the AC staff.
January 22-28
Pray that the AC’s ministry would further the peace, purity, and mission of the PCA.
January 29‒February 4 (will be on both months)
Prayer for the PCA to continue to be true to the Bible and the Reformed faith and obedient to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.
A Story
God’s faithfulness is often displayed in His providence. It is a perfect provision, often prepared well in advance of the need. In 1966, two churches in Savannah, Georgia, decided to leave the old Southern Presbyterian denomination. But it wasn’t that easy: they were taken to court and told they could not keep their church property. The pastors of these two churches, Todd Allen and Clifford Brewton, pursued their case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. And it was there they won their case in 1970, and secured the right of a departing church to keep its property. God’s faithfulness was displayed so very soon, as other churches were leaving that denomination in order to form the PCA, and that Supreme Court victory enabled nearly every one of those departing churches to keep their property. It made a huge difference in the health of the PCA in our early years.
‒ submitted by Wayne Sparkman
Fun Facts
- There were 1911 PCA churches in 2021.
- The PCA Historical Center in St. Louis has a full mile of shelving in its facility.
- The PCA Historical Center is the archive of record for four Presbyterian denominations.
- There are 5159 Teaching Elders in the PCA as of 2021.
- Churches reported that 4479 children gave their hearts to Jesus in 2021.
- The PCA has more than 378,000 members in its churches.
- The Administrative Committee is the only General Assembly Committee to which each other GA-level committee appoints a member.
- The Administrative Committee staff has had remote workers long before the pandemic, and currently our small staff has members in seven states.
- The PCA is turning 50, but has had only four Stated Clerks!
Kids’ Activities
Activity Instructions:
- Print the page on cardstock or mount it on construction paper to create your own jigsaw puzzle.
- Allow older children to use scissors to create their own puzzle pieces from the paper.
- Consider drawing lines for younger children to cut along or cut for them.
- While the children work on the puzzle, ask them what it means to live in harmony with one another.
- When the puzzle is complete, pray for the Administrative Committee as they work to help the PCA “with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”