September 2023
Denominational Focus: For over 66 years, Covenant Theological Seminary has trained pastors, counselors, and ministry leaders for the PCA and beyond to bring the gospel to the world. Our purpose is to prepare God’s servants to walk in God’s grace, minister God’s Word, and equip God’s people—all for God’s mission. Covenant Seminary’s graduates serve in all 50 states and over 100 countries.
“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.”
‒ 2 Timothy 2:15
September 3-9
Praise the Lord for the legacy of faithful instruction and for the thousands of graduates Covenant Seminary has sent to minister the Gospel across the entire world.
September 10-16
Thank the Lord for Covenant Seminary’s faculty of pastor-scholars and for all those who partner with the seminary to train and mentor our students for a lifetime of ministry.
September 17-23
Ask the Father to bless the ministry of Covenant’s president, faculty, and staff to lead the seminary faithfully and to train students well to equip the PCA and fulfill the Great Commission.
September 24-30
Pray God will raise up students from all over the world to come to Covenant Seminary and become the next generation of pastors, counselors. and ministry leaders to proclaim Christ and to serve His church.
“Almost all the people I looked up to in ministry had some connection to Covenant, and I wanted to be like them. The one guy who didn’t go to Covenant also told me I should go there. A pastor is in a position of authority that can be easily abused, but Covenant makes you do a lot of self-work to be aware of who you are and how the gospel applies to all the messy areas of your own life. That matters and is extremely valuable for ministering to others effectively. And later, when I was doing Campus Minister Assessment, one of the assessors told me he could always tell when a guy has been to Covenant by the way he preaches; there’s something distinctive about it. Many seminaries can produce good theologians, but I think none produces better pastors than Covenant.”
‒ Rev. Tim Price (M.Div ’20), RUF Campus Minister, Washington University in St. Louis
During its first year, Covenant Seminary enrolled eleven students. One came as a transfer student from another seminary because, he said, he wanted to be taught “by the godly scholars who had gathered to start the new school.” “They were men of vision,” he remembered many years later, “and that vision was contagious. They knew the Bible and how to teach it. The spiritual atmosphere was dynamic. God was at work.” Another student wrote that “the faculty opened their hearts, homes, and minds to the students with a great blend of scholarship and piety.”
‒ From David B. Calhoun, By His Grace, For His Glory: 50 Years of God’s Faithfulness (CTS, 2006)
“One aspect of life at Covenant that I was constantly astounded by was the community. Classmates were not competitors but comrades. Professors were not just evaluators, but encouragers, mentors, friends, and fellow workers. The staff didn’t simply check in, work, and then check out – they were constantly loving and serving the student body.”
‒ Sarah V. Wright (M.Div/MAC ’12), author of A Living Hope: A Study of 1 Peter
Fun Facts
- More than 5000 graduates across 66 years have been sent to all 50 states and 100 countries.
- Every year we offer nearly $1.8 million in scholarships to help students get the ministry training they need.
- In addition to teaching, our 18 full-time faculty collectively devote 1,500 hours per semester to one-on-one student mentoring.
- Faculty have an average of 9 years of ministry experience before teaching at Covenant Seminary.
- 13 faculty members were involved in the production of the ESV Study Bible.
- Covenant Seminary houses the PCA Historical Center: a mile of shelving, over 160 personal records, and approximately 700 church records from the PCA and RPCES – including hundreds of personal letters and thousands of pictures – the Historical Center is a veritable “Grandma’s Attic” of the PCA.
Kids’ Activities
True/False Theology Game
Get your thinking-caps on, as this may put your knowledge of theology to the test.
1. Attached are twenty true-false statements based on Scripture, listed in order as they appear in the Bible. Feel free to mix them up or write your own.
2. Decide on the movement players will use to show that a statement is true or false. Examples:
- Run to one side of the room if the statement is true. Run to the opposite side of the room if the statement is false.
- Stand up if a statement is true. Sit down if a statement is false.
- Thumbs up if a statement is true. Thumbs down if a statement is false.
3. Have a caller read a question, giving time for players to move as decided. When everyone is in place. The caller reads the answer.
4. If you want, keep score and award a prize for the most correct answers.
5. Take the time after the game to read and discuss the passages given for at least the ones that were missed by players.
*As an alternative to playing the game all at once, consider spreading the game out over 5-20 days, reading 1-4 statements each day and allowing time to read and discuss the passages for each.